Some extended examples
For these examples, assume you have the following data and functions available:
// a constant for bullshark's type.
const bullsharkType = `${packageId}::suifrens::SuiFren<${packageId}::bullshark::Bullshark>`;
// a constant for capy's type.
const capyType = `${packageId}::suifrens::SuiFren<${packageId}::capy::Capy>`;
// initialize a kioskClient.
const kioskClient = new KioskClient({
client: new SuiClient({
url: getFullnodeUrl('mainnet'),
network: Network.MAINNET,
Minting a SuiFren
This example demonstrates how to mint a SuiFren.
async function mintFren(address: string) {
const { kioskOwnerCaps } = await kioskClient.getOwnedKiosks({ address });
// Choose the first kiosk for simplicity. We could have extra logic here (e.g. let the user choose, pick a personal one, etc).
const cap = kioskOwnerCaps[0];
const txb = new TransactionBlock();
const kioskTx = new KioskTransaction({ transactionBlock: txb, kioskClient, cap });
// We're mixing the logic here. If the cap is undefined, we create a new kiosk.
if (!cap) kioskTx.create();
// Let's mint a capy here into the kiosk (either a new or an existing one).
target: `${packageId}::suifrens::mint_app::mint`,
arguments: [kioskTx.getKiosk(), kioskTx.getKioskCap()],
typeArguments: [capyType],
// If we don't have a cap, that means we create a new kiosk for the user in this flow.
if (!cap) kioskTx.shareAndTransferCap(address);
// sign and execute transaction block.
await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ tx: txb });
Mixing two Suifrens
This example demonstrates how to use the Kiosk SDK to mix two bullsharks
// We're mixing two frens.
async function mixFrens(firstFrenObjectId: string, secondFrenObjectId: string, cap: KioskOwnerCap) {
const txb = new TransactionBlock();
const kioskTx = new KioskTransaction({ transactionBlock: txb, kioskClient, cap });
// borrow both frens.
const [fren1, promise1] = kioskTx.borrow({
itemType: bullsharkType,
itemId: firstFrenObjectId.
const [fren2, promise2] = kioskTx.borrow({
itemType: bullsharkType,
itemId: secondFrenObjectId.
// Let's call the mix function. We skip any payment related stuff here.
target: `${packageId}::mix_app::mix`,
arguments: [
typeArguments: [bullsharkType],
itemType: bullsharkType,
item: fren1,
promise: promise1
itemType: bullsharkType,
item: fren2,
promise: promise2
// sign and execute transaction block.
await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ tx: txb });